2023 Donations
The reason we charge league dues and collect for flags & tourneys is so that we can hand those funds back out as prize money; pay for our year-end banquet; and make a sizeable donation to charity.
This year because of a late start and low turn out we were only able to give to one charity
This year we have chosen to help out one of our own because he has helped so many.
Our league plays for the fun of it and at the end we get to help some people out. Sounds like a pretty good deal.
The Mulberry Men's Golf League is a not-for-profit organization; although we are not a tax deductible charity.
At the end of each season, ANY money we have not handed back out as prizes gets donated to a local charity.
Over the past several years, we have donated a thousand dollars each to:
Abba's Place
The Mulberry Community Library
The Global Masih Food Pantry
The Clinton Prairie Scholarship Fund
Back Pack Program (run by New Hope Church)
Mulberry Parks & several others
Abby and Libby Memorial Park
Grant's House